June 27, 2013

Do You Need Something To Do? #TheCatReturns

So I hate hashtags, but I couldn't figure out how else to add a subtitle to my, well, title.

I had a friend over the other day.  Our time consisted mostly of Webkinz* and a walk, but amongst the hours we spent together, I was introduced the the most adorable anime movie.  It's called, "The Cat Returns."

Most anime movies are kinda creepy, but this one was so adorable!  It's not for everyone, the same way that Star Wars is not for everyone.  I say this with a great deal of difficulty; it's kind of like saying "I don't believe in fairies"- I believe in you Tinkerbell!!!!!

The story focuses on Haru, a high school girl who wonders if she belongs in her world.  When she rescues a cat-prince from an oncoming car, the Cat Kingdom kidnaps her in order to "reward" her for her deed.  Haru requires the help of the dapper Baron Humbert von Gikkingen to rescue her from an impossible marriage and finds herself along the way.

The movie involves cats, cats, and more cats.  I loved it because of all the little cat movements and personalities displayed in the movie.  It makes me want a kitten, but what doesn't?

So if you have time, I suggest watching "The Cat Returns".  Here is a link to the movie (legal because it's a Japanese website):

*If you read this Blog, I make the assumption that you like me.  That leads me to deduce that you *may* BE like me.  So instead of defending my rekindled Webkinz addiction, I'm going to simply just tell you that if you go to www.webkinz.com, you can now get a free account.  Also, you no longer need to renew your account, so you can log onto your old account (assuming that you remember your password).  Knock yourself out.

June 19, 2013

Samwise the Brave

So we don't have a magical Ring of power weighing us down, or the haunting fear of approaching orcs, or nazgul neither living nor dead tracking us, or an erupting volcano; but, some days, everyone needs a friend like Sam:

"'Look here, Sam dear lad,' said Frodo: 'I am tired, weary, I haven't any hope left.  But I have to go on trying to get to the Mountain, as long as I can move.  The Ring is enough. This extra weight is killing me.  It must go. But don't think I'm ungrateful.  I hate to think of the foul work you must have had among the bodies to find it for me.'
'Don't talk about it, Mr. Frodo.  Bless you! I'd carry you on my back, if I could.  Let it go then!'
Frodo laid aside his cloak and took off the orc-mail and flung it away.  He shivered a little.  'What I really need is something warm,' he said.  'It's gone cold, or else I've caught a chill.'
'You can have my cloak, Mr. Frodo,' said Sam.  He unslung his pack and took out the elven-cloak...
'What did I tell you?  Something's happening!' cried Sam.  '"The war's not going well,"' said Shargrat; but Gorbag he wasn't so sure.  And he was right there too.  Things are looking up, Mr. Frodo.  Haven't you got some hope now?'
...He gave Frodo water and an additional wafer of waybread, and he made a pillow of his cloak for his master's head.  Frodo was too weary to debate the matter, and Sam did not tell him that he had drunk the last drop of water, and eaten Sam's share of the food as well as his own." ~The Return of the King, J.R.R.Tolkien

(This was a meaningful post until it got hilarious)