March 28, 2012

More Pictures :)

  this is a huge wave!

Love the green there in the corner:

It's so clear...

This is one of my all time favorites:

March 15, 2012

Another Thing About Me:

So I was going to blog about a chapter from C.S. Lewis' The Horse and His Boy, when I realized I have never blogged about my love for cats.  I will proceed in my original intent, but just so you all know:

I love cats >'.'<  
I have ever since I was... well since I can remember.  So, here's a bit on cats in The Horse and His Boy*:

"And whether he really had been dreaming or not, what was now lying at his feet, and staring him out of countenance with its big, green, unwinking eyes, was the cat; though certainly one of the largest cats he had ever seen.

'Oh, Puss,' gasped Shasta.  'I am so glad to see you again.  I've been having such horrible dreams.'  And he at once lay down again, back to back with the cat as they had been at the beginning of the night.  The warmth from it spread all over him.

'I'll never do anything nasty to a cat again as long as I live,' said Shasta, half to the cat and half to himself.  'I did once, you know.  I threw stones at a half-starved mangy old stray.  Hey! Stop that,' said Shasta.  For the cat had turned round and given him a scratch.  'None of that,' said Shasta.  'It isn't as if you could understand what I'm saying.'"

*In this scene, the cat is Aslan.  He just transformed and roared and scared off some hungry jackals that were coming to attack Shasta.  If you haven't read it before, then you should read the Narnia series :)

March 13, 2012

Constellations and the Planets and the Universe

Constellations: it even sounds pretty :)



"Now the Sun's a hot star...

And Mercury's hot too...

Venus is the brightest planet!

And Earth's home to me and you!

Mars is the red one...

And Jupiter's most wide...

Saturn's got those icy rings...

And Uranus spins on it's side...

Neptune's really windy...

And Pluto's really small"
...I think Pluto is still a planet....

This is a true picture of Pluto according to  Pluto's in the middle:


>okay, so i'm taking alot of what Louie Giglio uses in his talk "Indescribable".  You should watch it if you get the chance<

March 10, 2012

You are Bigger Than the Battle

"And Jesus said to him,'‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes'.  Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!'"
~Mark 9:23

Failure doesn't phase you.
Worry doesn't win.
Lost doesn't leave you afraid to start again.
Our sin doesn't shock you.
Our shame doesn't shame you at all.
Mistakes do not move you.
Terror doesn't tame.
Death doesn't doom you to life in the grave.
Our suffering doesn't scare you.
Our secrets won't surprise you at all.
At all.

There is nothing above you.
There is nothing beyond you.
There is nothing that you can't do.
There is no one beside you.
There is no one that's like you.
There is nothing that you can't do.
Whatever will come, we'll rise above.
You fail us not, You fail us not.
No matter the war, our hope is secure.
You fail us not, You fail us not.
You fail us not.

Hatred doesn't hide you.
Evil doesn't ail.
Despair can't disguise you and tell you that you fail.
Our doubt doesn't daunt you.
Our darkness won't defeat you at all.
At all.

There is nothing above you.
There is nothing beyond you.
There is nothing that you can't do.
Whatever will come, we'll rise above.
You fail us not, You fail us not.
No matter the war, our hope is secure.
You fail us not, You fail us not.
Whatever will come, we'll rise above.
You fail us not, You fail us not.
No, You fail us not.
You fail us not. 

You’re bigger than the battle,
You are bigger than the battle
You are bigger than the battle has ever been