August 15, 2013

I'm Fine. Just miserable, Thank you for asking

I had a horrible day today.

What's worse is that there's a deeply rooted sadness that I can't shake off and it gets triggered by the littlest things.  So it's not like anything really serious happened.  But I came home today and I was venting in the car to my mom.

Me: "I just hate how I have to just think positive and dwell on the good things.  It's makes me so frusterated."

Mom: "Lizzy, you should just go in your room and cry.  You need to.  I want you to know that it's okay sometimes to just go to your room and cry and not try to be responsible about how you feel."

^Mom is so wise.  I mean this seriously.  I get so caught up in doing what's right and not doing what's wrong that I forget that sometimes there isn't a right or wrong.

Anyhow, the main point of this ridiculous ramble is to confess that when I despair that I will ever attract a man, I look up pictures of Tom Hiddleston.  And I smile.  Because he's charming.

I mean, he's so very British.  Not the silly "I love British Boys" British, but the gentleman, old fashioned, charming British.  He can sweep me off my feet with that little grin of his, and gladly too.  It's so unassuming and awesome.  And I respect that he tries to look at life from a deeper perspective.  So even though he's probably just as horrid a human being as everyone else, he warms my broken heart like a cup of properly prepared Earl Grey tea :)

And speaking of tea, you should watch this:

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