February 12, 2015

The Struggle With Colours

My tendency to bring bright colours into my wardrobe can actually be a real pain. I love being different, and portraying that difference through colours (it's not just about being different though. It's also about just having more colour!) But people are really judgy of that.

For example: hair colour. I was talking to my coworker about how unnatural hair colour is not professional. That got me thinking: why is it considered unprofessional? I guess that's because many people with colourful hair don't keep up their appearance with pressed jackets and tidy updo's. I understand that. If you're working, you ought to be efficient, professional, courteous, productive- but why can't I be all that and have purple hair tucked neatly into a topknot?

I don't normally shake my fists at discrimination in society, but this area bothers me a bit. Those people who give hair colour a bad name by being irresponsible, unproductive, and unprofessional sure make it difficult for those who could be both creatively expressive and a beneficial member of society. It's a crying shame.

Let's keep up this rant, shall we?

I don't want to walk outside with tattoos, gauges, and coloured hair afraid that I'll be made an object of lust. It's true: many, many people alter their bodies in such ways because they want to be sexy. To some, such an appearance communicates, "I'm adventurous. I live life dangerously. Come see how dangerous I can be." But what about those who just like the aesthetic??? It's also a product of victim's fault mentality.

I could be wrong, but I think it should be fine for me to have tattoos and coloured hair. As long as I dress in a manner respectful of myself and my brothers in Christ, and I conduct myself with honor, I see no reason why I should be deemed "easy."

What do ya'll think? 

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