December 20, 2011

Beautiful Things :)

I've been trying to work on this for a while.  But I haven't gotten very far.  So I'm afraid this will have to do for now:

I love books.  I love color.  I love love.  I love joy.  And it warms my heart to think of these things, so I hope they encourage you as well.  Enjoy!

The Tale of Despereaux

"Despereaux stared at her in wonder.  The Pea, he decided, looked just like the picture of the fair maiden in the book in the library.  The princess smiled at Despereaux again, and this time, Despereaux smiled back.  And then, something incredible happened: The mouse fell in love."

"Forgiveness, reader, is, I think, something very much like hope and love, a powerful, wonderful thing.  And a ridiculous thing, too."

"'Shhh.  Is the princess beautiful?'
'The Princess Pea?'
'She is lovelier beyond all imagining!'"

"But he turned before he entered [the door].  He turned and shouted to the princess.  'My name is Despereaux!'
'Despereaux?' she said.
'I honor you!' shouted Despereaux.
'I honor you' was what the knight said to the fair maiden in the story that Despereaux read every day in the book in the library.  Despereaux had muttered the phrase often to himself, but he had never before this evening had occasion to use it when speaking to someone else."

"Despereaux sighed.  He reached out and touched the words fair maiden in the book.  He traced them with his paw.  And then he put his paw to his mouth.
"Cripes." said Furlough.  "You're making a fool of yourself.  Let's go."
"I honor you,' whispered Despereaux.  "I honor you."

"The song, sir.  He was singing about the deep purple falling over sleepy garden walls."

"Despereaux marveled at his own bravery.  He admired his own defiance.  And then reader, he fainted."

Cyrano De Bergerac

"I have ten hearts!  I have a hundred arms!  I feel too strong for mere mortals, Bring Me Giants!!!"

"...I have been robbed, there are no hundred here."

Roxanne- "But even the common flower has charm."
Cyrano- "But not tonight.  Tonight I want the star!"


"He rose at dawn and, fired with hope,
Shot o'er the seething harbor-bar,
And reach'd the ship and caught the rope,
And whistled to the morning star." -The Sailor Boy

'Sink me the ship, Master Gunner--sink her, split her in twain!
Fall into the hands of God, not into the hands of Spain!' -The Revenge

"It was the time when lilies blow,
And Clouds are highest up in the air-
Lord Ronald brought a lilly-white doe
To give his cousin, Lady Clare...
'He does not love me for my birth,
Nor for my lands so broad and fair,
He loves me for my own true worth,
and that is well', said Lady Clare." -Lady Clare

"Willows whiten, aspens quiver,
Little breezes dusk and shiver." -The Lady of Shallot

Master and Commander

This is like, my favorite movie.  Strange because I'm pretty girly.  But it's a really good movie! lol

Doctor-"By comparison the Surprise is a somewhat aged Man-o-War. (silence) Am I not correct?"
Captain- "Would you call me an aged Man-o-War, Doctor?  The Surprise is not old; no one would call her old.  She has a bluff bow, lovely lines.  She's a fine seabird: weatherly, stiff, and fast.  Very fast if she's well handled.  No, she's not old...she's in her prime."

Captain: "Posh.  Name a shrub after me: something prickly and hard to eradicate."

Doctor- "I'm sorry, Jack. I'm doing everything I can. I know you were close to his father."
Captain- "His father would've understood. He knew the life. His mother, however..."

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