April 7, 2013

Blind, Dead, and SHABANG! Found.

I once was lost.
I was old enough to remember the sin in which I lived.  The deadness.  The lies.  The fruitlessness.  SO much even my closest friends do not know about.

I've been struggling because I am not that way anymore.  Now, I am considered a person of strong character and dignity.  I would be confused because people would tell me, "You're not that bad!"  And I would think, "You don't know where I've been!"

But lately, the two sides of me have made sense.  The side that says, " I am not that person anymore!  I'm a good person!" and the side that says, "I'm the scum of the Earth- a sinner!  I'm the person people mention in hushed voices!" have finally collided.  I AM a sinner- found in Your presence!  I am no longer caught up in the evil desires of my heart because I am found!  I once was lost, but I am found.  Was blind, but now I see!

It's such a simple truth.  One that makes up the Core of Christianity.  But it's finally making sense.  I am free to be the person I am know as- respected, considered full of integrity- because Christ has given me a new identity.  He has made me new, delivered me from this body of death.  This seed of Truth is still developing in my heart.  Not every day does it seem to be in bloom, but it has been planted.  And that is good news.

My prayer squad- I'd appreciate your prayers that God would continue to increase my natural response to Him.  You're awesome ;)

Amen.  Hallelujah.


  1. so i just now found this: haaleeluujah!! will def pray God keeps you here...and grows you into freedom and wholeness even more. :)
