August 11, 2014

On The Death of Robin Williams

I haven't written in a while, but I wanted to voice this thought to a more personal void than Facebook so here goes:

I get it, Robin Williams. 

I mean, I don't understand what exactly prompted you to take your life, whether it was the reaction to a moment of overwhelming sadness or the buildup of pain over many many years or something else entirely. I don't know why you took that step, but I can honestly say that I would've, too, if it weren't for one, lone truth.

"The devil's singing over me an age old song
That I am cursed and gone astray
Singing the first verse so conveniently over me
He's forgotten the refrain
Jesus Saves."

I am sorry that you didn't feel the full impact of this truth, but I am praying that you had a small knowledge. After all, a bruised reed he will not break; when we are faithless, he remains faithful. 

As I go off to college- a big college, a "hell-hole," a college I did not want to go to at all- at least I have this confidence, that God does not abandon us, even if it feels like it. Don't worry, Abi, 'cause I'm going to be okay. I know the truth and even when I choose to live in guilt and misery, there's always a voice in the back of my mind that reminds me that it can't be that bad, that there really never comes a moment when there is no hope. God does not bring to the point of birth and fail to deliver. So I'm gona be okay. I love you.

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