December 23, 2014

The Sort of Person Everyone Speaks Well of

Mrs. Dashwood: "You're a very wicked pair. Colonel Brandon will be sadly missed."

Willoughby: "Why,when's he the sort of person everyone speaks well of, and no one remembers to talk to?"

Oh, the rants I could go on! This quote has haunted me for years.

But now, I'm okay with being the sort of person everyone speaks well of. You know, it seems my whole family is respected, admired, and not invited to things very much. People will come to us for advice and they trust our judgement, but it seems that in general we're not deemed very fun company.

Which of course is ridiculous. I mean, we make Star Wars cookies and eat dinner on our rooftop. Come on, now.

In the past, it bothered me that we were Colonel Brandon's, but I don't mind now because I actually have friends who enjoy hanging out with me. I'm fun. I'm funny. And people actually like me.


1 comment:

  1. um yeah, i don't get it. ya'll are like my most favorite family to hang out with...and i've hung out with tons of families! guess i get to keep you all to myself! ;)
