October 15, 2011


So alot is going on for me spiritually, but right now I just feel like having some comic relief.


Today I ran some errands with my mama.  We did the usual grocery shopping and popped into a thrift store.  Next on our list was a craft store.  Right next to this craft store is a pet shop which will sometimes have cats and kittens there.  I popped into said store while my mom ran the errand.

Normally, I look at several felines, find my favorite, and discover its personality.  I will then proceed to name the kitty as a hobby.

I was immediately excited because there were several kittens in the mix.  Two of them were black and then one kitten in a separate cage was grey and white.  I attempted to establish contact with the black kittens, but they weren't really interested.  So I went to the grey kitten.

I am the proud owner of two cats, Cuddles, a grey/black/brown Tabby of 10+, and Miss Jane, a precious little grey thing of about 5.  I was naturally attracted to the grey kitten because it reminded me of my Jane.

But I wasn't exactly in love with it.  I appreciated it and thought it was precious, but it wasn't how I usually react.

So my mom comes inside to collect me and sees me with the grey kitten.  She fell in love with it right there.  I mean, usually she humors my love for cats but today she just melted at the sight of this little kitten.  It was so strangely unexpected.

No, we do not own three cats now, but "a little yeast works through the dough", right?  haha

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