November 2, 2011

Wild Horses

*This is a cool dream I had a few days ago.  It's short and sweet, but it was pretty fun :)

It was like I was at this summer camp.  It was a pretty small facility...surrounded by a dense forest of trees.  At one point the trees narrowed in and the land formed a figure 8, with a brook running through the second circle. It was sort of rocky.  The terrain was grassy, sort of like a mountain overgrown with grass.  I had just arrived and I wasn't really hanging out with anyone.  I randomly decided to go to the stables, which were small gated boxes with an open roof.  I found a huge black stallion and just jumped on with no problem.  I rode bareback with just the mane to guide the horse.  It flew around the camp, jumping over the brook.  I was slightly upset the area wasn't larger so I could have more room to ride.  I leaned in close to the horse and showed skillful horsemanship.  It was awesome.

*Funny though, I have ridden a horse before but only once without someone leading me.  I was so hardcore in the dream, but in reality I can't do any of those things!  haha

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