December 18, 2012

Fear and Unbelief

"Was I there when you formed the earth? Lord, you know that I believe; overcome my unbelief."
"The Devil's singing over me an age-old song, that I am cursed and gone astray... singing the first verse so conveniently. He's forgotten the refrain- JESUS SAVES!"
"When you look in the mirror what you see is your face, some curls, and a brown-eyed failure. But that's not what I see.  I see a girl who won't accept defeat, who's got all the confidence she will ever need to take this world by storm. So, although the mirror's clouding up and even though it's blurry and such don't let the lies deceive and keep you from seeing what I see."
"No guilt in life, no fear in death from life's first cry to final breath. No guilt in life , no fear in death from life's first cry to final breath"
"You are the [daughter] that I've always dreamed of.  I knew it from the start. I saw your face and that's the last I've seen of my heart."

"Perfect loves casts out all fear."~1 John 4:18

December 5, 2012

November 30, 2012

How I Feel About This Christmassy Time of Year

Christmas season started.  For mostly people, Christmas does not start until after Thanksgiving.  That's good.  I think Christmas season should start then.  But frankly, when the spirit hits, it should not be ignored.  After all, It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year and it's only hear a little while!

I love Christmas!  A few days ago, my mom and I were cleaning the house up because I was going to have a friend over.  We happened to have Christmas presents out so we decided to start wrapping them as a way to clean up.  Then, as we got out the bows, ribbons, and paper, I felt it.  The Christmas Spirit.  I skipped away to the kitchen, pulled up Grooveshark and began to add all sorts of Christmassy songs.  My favorite carol used to be "O Come, O Come Emmanuel," but I think my favorite for the words is "God Rest Ye Merry  Gentlemen."  Well, this year I think it has got to be David Crowder's "The First Noel."  I don't know, I just like it :)

I love the colors of Christmas- the red and white and green.  Them seem so warm and cuddly.  Like, when you see them you want to cuddle.  They remind me of the warmth of giving gifts to people you love.  They remind me of family.  I fantasize about cold Christmas nights curled up with the family drinking hot coco around the fire.  I was making a birthday card the other day for my brother.  I drew stick figures in the style of my family, paying careful attention to the height, hair, etc. on the front and said on the inside, "Our family would not be complete without you!"  That card really struck home on how much I love my family.  I mean, his hair mattered, her height mattered.  Because I knew them.  And that's how its supposed to be and anything else isn't them.  (lol, even though they were just stick figures....)

Sitting by the tree brings back so many memories.  I always think of our family tradition to read the Christmas story from Luke by candlelight while drinking eggnog.  My daddy always read it- he has the perfect deep rolling voice.  It reminds me of a cat's purr, probably because he always used to tickle me face with his one-day-unshaven scruff while he pretended to mimic my cat's purr.  I'd giggle and laugh, because hearing daddy purr was hearing how much he loved me- he knows how much I love cats.  All that to say, I loved sitting with the family, reading by candlelight, drinking eggnog on the mattress dragged out for the sole purpose of sleeping by the tree, listening to daddy's voice.

And is it really Christmas if Jason hasn't danced yet?  No, it's not.  Christmas has a series of certain requirements; Jason dancing singing to Bruce Springsteen's "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and TobyMac's "Christmas This Year" is one of those requirements.  When I listen to Christmas music, I am always sure to have those two songs back to back, otherwise I lose the vision of Jason singing and it defeats the point.

So, what' begins your Christmas?  Merry Christmas people and enjoy this Christmassy time of year :)

November 18, 2012

Homework Paralysis Syndrome

21:25-21:32 sums it up

November 11, 2012

Miss Jane

On Tuesday, November 6 2012, I lost my cat Miss Jane.

I know she was just a cat.  Honestly, I do.  We lost my uncle to cancer a few months ago, and I know his soul is eternal and so valuable.  But even though she was not as important by far, she was still important.  Her life still was life, and it stills hurts to think of her death.

       "'That's right,' the fox said.  'For me, you're only a little boy like a hundred thousand other little boys.  And I have no need of you.  For you, I'm only a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes.  But if you tame me, we'll need each other.  You'll be the only boy in the world for me.  I'll be the only fox in the world for you...'
       'I'm beginning to understand,' the little prince said.  'There's a flower...I think she's tamed me...'
       'Possibly,' the fox said [...]  My life is monotonous.  I hunt chickens; people hunt me.  All chickens are just alike, and all men are just alike.  So I'm rather bored.  But if you tame me, my life will be filled with sunshine.  I'll know the sound of footsteps that will be different from all the rest.  Other footsteps send me back underground.  Yours will call me out of my burrow like music [...]
       The fox fell silent and stared at the little prince for a long while.  'Please... tame me!' he said.""-The Little Prince

I read this as a monologue for Drama club at school.  I had a picture of Miss Jane in the book to help me get into character as the fox.  Miss Jane was like the fox in the story, timid and shy and afraid, but she also longed to be tamed.  Boy, she was a strange cat.  She was cross-eyed and had a broken tail that she'd wave back and forth when she was very happy.  She would jump at loud noises and run if someone walked by too fast for her.  She was scared of everything.  When she was happy, she'd half close her crossed eyes and almost smile contentedly, except every time I tried to take a picture, she'd look so mad.

(the bald spot is where they shaved her in preparation for the surgery)

She rarely purred, and she didn't meow often- she chirped.  She'd chirp in the middle of the night if she caught a dust ball, and she'd wail at the door to go outside (or inside).  When she wanted inside, she'd jump and scratch at the sliding glass door, frantically trying to get in like there was something after her.

She would enthusiastically thrust her head at my hand when I was petting her, until her head would be so low to the ground she would fall over.  Her favorite spot to be scratched was the side of her neck.  She did not like to be messed with under her chin, her tummy, or her paws.  When she was really enjoying the attention, she'd rub up against objects and rub her teeth on them, like cats do.  But she also would jump up at objects too high to rub against.

We described her as "traumatized," "not all there," and "mentally challenged".  Well, she definitely wasn't all there.  She was just plain quirky.  She chewed and licked random objects.  She would jump at loud noises.  But she was so sweet.  She was so needy.  She was precious.

I remember when I first got Miss Jane.  I received a note at Christmas that said I could get a kitten, a required age of 9 to 12 weeks old so I could enjoy my last kitten experience under my daddy's roof.  I went in twice, but all of the cats were too old.  The next time we went in, there were two litters of kittens.  One had two little grey females and a male tabby.  The other was a litter of three orange kittens.  I knew which one I wanted right away, but just because it was offered, we took the kittens out and played with them in the play area.  Miss Jane hid traumatized in the corner.  Try as I might, she wouldn't play.  I got out an orange kitten.  She would rub up against me and then go play.  But she would come back and rub on me to make sure she still had my attention.  Then, a family came in and as we looked at the orange kitten, they looked at Miss Jane.  Her sister was already taken and they wanted a girl.  I knew I had to act fast.  I looked at my mom and said, "Mom, I want the grey one."  We adopted her right then and there.  Then, as we were leaving, my friend walked in.  We said 'hi' and to my surprise, she and her sister were adopting kittens for Christmas, too.  My friend actually adopted Miss Jane's brother, the tabby.

Miss Jane started out with promise.  Even though she hid in virtually every cranny of my room for the first week, she would also sleep in my lap.

Well, somewhere along her lifespan she switched and became a vehement activist against being held.  haha She HATED to be held.  But she loved to be petted, so that's what I did (most of the time).

After I got Miss Jane, my sister confided in me:
"When you told me you had gotten a grey kitten, I was like, 'You're kidding me?  A grey kitten?  Not a black and white one?  Or a little orange one?  A GREY one?'  But when you brought her home, I saw how pretty she was."
It was true.  Although Jane had some physical limitations, she was absolutely elegant.  She would "perch" as my dad would say.

Miss Jane was my little kitty girl, my baby Jane, Jane-Jane, Miss Jane, Janipoo, Janey girl, and all kinds of combinations of such names.  She had beautiful, perfect, velvety ears, soft, over-sized paws, and a little white patch under her tummy.  I always imagined when she was old, she would have more white- an old, white and grey picture of serenity.  One day, when she was lying on her side, I noticed her tummy was pretty big.

"Have you been gaining weight kitty?" I asked her.  As I felt her side, I realized that it was too hard to be her stomach.  I had discovered a tumor.  Beside the tumor, she was perfectly healthy- nice teeth, ears, eyes, etc.  She went through surgery Friday, November 2.  By the time of the surgery, the tumor had grown visibly.  The vets told us it had completely engulfed her kidney and had attached itself to her intestines and her liver.

I visited her on Saturday at the clinic with my Dad and Mom.  Miss Jane was looking healthy.  She was laying down, wrapped up in a towel, but her head was up and looking around.  She looked so alert.  I had been told she might not survive the surgery... if the tumor was too bad they would euthanize her before it became too painful... but when I saw her on Saturday looking so good, I was hopeful.

We visited her again on Monday, just my mom and me.  She was still laying down, but she was not alert anymore.  She looked not angry, but grumpy, like she was in a lot of pain and wasn't in a good mood.  I became very worried.  The doctors were saying her liver was yellowish and they wanted to give her an I-V.  She already was on pain medication, and we had her electrolytes checked.  The surgery was free because the doctor had recommended we take her to a specialist for the surgery.  We couldn't afford a specialist.  The doctor offered to perform the surgery for free because he and the other veterinarians could learn a lot from the abnormal tumor if as long as if Jane did not survive, we wouldn't press charges.  But still, I was afraid my dad couldn't afford to keep her at the clinic any longer, especially with an I-V.  But, I got a text during my class that said my dad was going to let her stay.  I was so hopeful then.  My dad and I really thought the I-V would help her and put her on the road to recovery.

Jane was only 9 pounds.  With the tumor the size of a tennis ball, the surgery was just too much for her.  When I got home from school on Tuesday, my mom walked in.  She had tears in her eyes.  I thought she was going to tell me something about our neighbors, who lost their wife/mother several months backs.  When she told me my cat didn't make it, I just couldn't believe it.  I felt so clogged up with all of my other emotions and problems.  And it didn't make sense.  She was supposed to make it.

I have another cat, Cuddles.  He is about three times the size of Jane.  Jane was one size under the average cat; Cuddles is one size over.  He is 12 years old now.  I was shocked it was Miss Jane to get sick first because Cuddles is so much older and fatter.  Not that I wanted him to go, I just knew as he is aging, it is a possibility.  I was pretty unprepared for Miss Jane's death.  I am not sure I am going to get another cat.  I want something to cause the ache to go away, but I know that getting a new cat won't recreate Jane.  A new kitten wouldn't cringe at every sound or get that silly happy look in its eye.  But, I know kittens make everyone happy.  I would fall in love with another kitten, but it wouldn't replace Miss Jane.  So, I am not sure about getting a new cat.  For right now, my cat Cuddles is pretty happy.  He's sort of like Georgette the poodle from Oliver and Company:

Cuddles never liked Miss Jane.  It was hard for him as a 7 year old cat to make way for a little adored kitten.  He is a dominating, one cat per family sort of cat.  I don't think he ever adjusted to Miss Jane.  Right now, I don't think he knows what happened to her.  All he knows is that he has the house to himself and he likes it that way.  It hurts a little to see him so happy.  I think Miss Jane's death would be much harder if I didn't have him around.  But Cuddles is nothing like Jane.  He is huge, gruff, rough, fat, lazy, and a lap cat.  I love him for being him, but it is hard not to have Miss Jane around.  It's almost like, having him only reminds me that I do not have Miss Jane.

Well, Cuddles better stick around for a while.  I am glad to have a cat to squeeze.  Jane would not let me squeeze her and Cuddles has a lot more to squeeze.

I have a reputation of being a cat fanatic at my school.  People know me as the cat loving girl.  Sometimes, I would act more excited than I actually was about cats because I knew they expected it and because I liked being identified.  I liked having an identity.  And I do love cats obsessively.  I think I tell my sister everyday how much I love my cat, Cuddles.  As I grieve through Miss Jane's death, I don't want to overreact.  I don't want to crave attention at Miss Jane's expense.  I don't want to cry with the motive of getting attention from anybody.  I think I have matured some.  But really, I wanted to blog to let people know that even though I may not be crying, and even though I can laugh and go through the day, I miss her as genuinely as ever.  I loved her so much.  She was more than a cat to me, and I don't want to forget her.

November 3, 2012

Let Me Take You There

"Now we're dancing, dancing, dancing under that big blue sky... We just had to leave all that behind"

So, today I am suffering from a severe case of Mel-on- Kolie.  Little lonely, little self-unimpressed, little contradictory.  But, as there is no cure for this sort of thing, I just decided to attempt a nap and escape to my mental place. As I write this, I listen to "Don't Forget Your Old Shipmate".  
"We're there ever chummies now such as you and i, Jack?"
Heh heh. Chummies...
What about you? Do you have a mental place you go to? 
I go to the ocean. Sometimes the sea shore, but usually it's the deep blue ocean. I couldn't say why. Maybe because no one knows me there. I don't have to worry about wondering who I could encounter. I also feel better out there because I pretend I don't care what I look like. I can be awesome, like an old salty sailor with stories to tell to the new recruits. It has a slight pride feel to it I guess, but it makes sense because I am in love with honor and great feats of courage. Maybe the feelings disguise my insecurity. Maybe I value wit too much. Or maybe I just love honor.
Now I am listening to "Life Is Beautiful". I feel sad again. It is a really good song, but over thinking while I listen to it does nothing to lift my spirits.
So I switch the song to "How I Became The Sea". I am actually in the process of animating this song. I am finishing a set of 32 pictures for a scene where my main character is walking. Did you get that? 32.  I am crazy. But it looks pretty cool.  
Now I am listening to "Yellow Shirt". Oh boy. 
My brother is a senior and we have a program at school where a lower class adopts a senior. My brother got Kindergarten. He visited them during craft time recently and when he got back he told me a story about a little girl. She randomly exclaimed as they were writing their names, "I want to get married! I want to get married right now. I just can't wait anymore!" I had to laugh- that sounded way too familiar ; ) 

"Knee deep in the water somewhere. Got the blue sky breeze blowing wind through my hair. Only worry in the world  'Is the tide gonna reach my chair?' And I think I might have found my own sort of paradise."

It's a sweet, sweet life living by the salty sea.

September 20, 2012

Feeling Profound.

This is a poem by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  It's called, "Who Am I?"  I thought it was interesting.  And I hope you do to.

Who am I? They often tell me
I stepped from my cell’s confinement
Calmly, cheerfully, firmly,
Like a squire from his country-house.
Who am I? They often tell me
I used to speak to my warders
Freely and friendly and clearly,
As though it were mine to command.
Who am I? They also tell me
I bore the days of misfortune
Equably, smilingly, proudly,
Like one accustomed to win.

Am I then really all that which other men tell of?
Or am I only what I myself know of myself?
Restless and longing and sick, like a bird in a cage,
Struggling for breath, as though hands were
compressing my throat,
Yearning for colors, for flowers, for the voices of birds,
Thirsting for words of kindness, for neighborliness,
Tossing in expectation of great events,
Powerlessly trembling for friends at an infinite distance,
Weary and empty at praying, at thinking, at making,
Faint, and ready to say farewell to it all?

Who am I? This or the other?
Am I one person today and tomorrow another?
Am I both at once? A hypocrite before others,
And before myself a contemptibly woebegone weakling?
Or is something within me still like a beaten army,
Fleeing in disorder from victory already achieved?
Who am I? They mock me, these lonely questions of mine.
Whoever I am, Thou knowest, 0 God, I am Thine!

September 12, 2012

Why *Someone* Should Watch Avatar

Avatar: The Last Airbender is awesome.  At least, Season 1 was... don't bother with Legend of's for sissies.  But Seriously, the plot lines and character development is pretty amazing.  Though I love many of the characters, the best is without a doubt Zuko.

I first loved Zuko's character when I heard the line from Episode 3 (I think):

Uncle Iroh: "Even in exile my nephew is more honorable than you.  And thank you for the tea.  It was delicious."
(Pause as they walk off from the defeated Admiral Zhao)
Zuko: (voice full of emotion) "Uncle, did you really mean what you said back there?"
Uncle Iroh: "Of course, I love Jasmine Tea."

But enough of my personal feelings.  We're just going to explore the many faces of Zuko today so you can get a preview of the show!*

Duck Face Zuko

Smoulder Zuko

Awkward Zuko

Life's Tough Zuko

Bald Zuko

Happy Zuko

*Unfortunately, the pictures I was looking for of the show aren't on Google search.  So, I never got to touch on Angsty Zuko, Angry Zuko, Zuko Here, Firebending Zuko, Determined Zuko, Sarcastic Zuko, How-Could-You-Say-That Zuko, etc.  With that knowledge, I hope you're not entirely aganist watching the show ;)

Theme Songs For Today

Here they are:

"No Fight Left" by J.J. Heller

And "You Save Me" By Kenny Chesney

August 14, 2012

How I feel About Adam Young

Ahem.  Marry me?

Unfortunately, I just found out he's really a bit too old for me.  Well, it was a nice dream.

What I love about his music is that when I feel like I'm freaking out or mentally stressed, his Sky Sailing music is calming and peaceful.  And all of his music- beautiful.  His music dwells on all things lovely.  

"I made for the countryside
And my eyes never grew so wide
Apple raspberry, river blue
I don't wanna leave without you!
In the sound I gladly drowned
Into the emerald underground.
I rub my eyes 'cause it's hard to see
Surrounded by all this beauty." ~Dreams Don't Turn to Dust

I also emotionally relate to his lyrics.  I probably read waaaaay too much into his music but let's take "Alaska" for instance:

"When did I arrive?
I don't recall ever leaving Alaska.
Why do I hate the dark when I'm alone?
I was on my way to a brighter day,
I'm still chasing around.
But somehow I believe that this is home.
It's so good to be home."

I interpret this to mean that sometimes we feel like we've been in a dark tunnel for a long time, when suddenly, we find we are out of the funk we were in and we didn't even know how it happened.  I guess to really understand you should just listen to the rest of the song.  But hey.  Don't get any ideas.  He's mine. ;)

"Tidal Wave" is my song for when I feel really stuck.  My emotions and mental stability sometimes equate to a tidal wave.  It's nice for a vent sesh, but also a good reminder that there is hope.  "The end is uncertain, and I've never been so afraid, but I don't need a telescope to see that there's hope and that makes me feel brave."

To be only fair, I must say that he does sound the same in pretty much every song he sings.  But isn't his voice worth listening to over and over again?  So, that's not a problem :)

Now, as concerns him as a person.

I haven't been such a creeper as to really stalk him and find out his favorite color, or something like that.  But through random searches on Google, I happened to learn that he's very shy and sweet.  He feels things pretty deeply.  But he says himself that he prefers the imagination to reality.  He's a strong Christian (I love his "Galaxies", "Meteor Shower", and version of "In Christ Alone").  He also suffered from insomnia when he produced Sky Sailing.

In general, I believe him to be a sweet, fun, caring, exciting, adventuresome, quirky, Christian guy.  As I have been known to say, should I meet him and fall in love with him and prove his character from experience, then yes.  I would marry Adam Young.

And that my friends is how I feel about Adam Young.

June 26, 2012


So the title is a bit mainstream, but hear me out :)

If you happen to remember, I posted about how I really wanted to see a whale or dolphins play in our wake.  Well, I actually prayed about it too, real quick, and Holy Smokes!  Did we ever see dolphins up close!

It was incredible.  I actually thought that they were going to leave after a few minutes, like they've done before, but they stayed for a really long time!  I'd never seen them this close before!  My sister was given a legit underwater camera as a present, and we were able to get video footage of them swimming under us and even looking at us!  There was a little baby dolphin who had to wiggle really hard to go as fast as he wanted.  He was so cute!  He tried to jump out of the water, but he managed to do a little fail-jump.  But it was super cute anyhow :)  It was just so awesome to see them so clearly in the blue water.  It was flat calm that day, which is usually disappointing cause it's hotter, but for that experience it was perfect.

I mean, people.  This . NEVER. happens.  You simply don't see dolphins up close in crystal water in the wild like this.  I feel like Paul, "But be it far from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ..." (Galatians 6:14).  What I mean by that is, God did this for ME.  God gave me dolphins, like a gift.  The experience was awesome, but that fact Jesus answered my prayer and gave me the experience is what's so cool.

And also that he heard me in all of my bitterness and frustration and confusion and (still!) legalistic ways, he HEARD me!  ME!  My little blurb to Heaven- "It'd be great to see dolphins Lord"!

He's so cute!! :)

I also love the Flamingo Tongue, though I've mentioned it before.

This little creature reminds me of God's love for me.  When I was in 4th grade I studied it, and in 7th grade I saw one while snorkeling at Sombrero.  My family was off in the distance and we were trying to get to the Tower, so I had to leave it to get back to them in the rough water.  I was disappointed because no one in my family got the chance to see it.  So, I asked God to show me it again so I could show them as well.  On our way back from the Tower, I found 3 Flamingo Tongues.

But this summer, as I was snorkeling I saw something laying in a dip in the smooth coral.  I immediately knew what it was.  A Flamingo Tongue shell.  The neat thing about Flamingo Tongues is that their beautiful spotted shells are actually a mantle that slides back in when in danger.  The shell minus the mantle is smooth and usually a cream color.  Not particularly beautiful, but still neat nonetheless.

Well, most shells look like that.  But mine was the kind that was specially designed to be beautiful.  It is smooth as silk, and a distinct orange.  It blends from a cream to a burnt orange to a soft tangerine.  It's so perfect :)  It's even big too, which sometimes the shells are very small.  

It was really cool how much like a gift it felt.  It was like, "Here Lizzy, this is just for YOU!"  It was like is was sitting there, waiting for me, right in my vision so I couldn't possibly miss it.  And I knew what it was right away.  I didn't have to guess or double check.  As a friend once said about the sunset: "I can't help but picture a boy who is totally smitten with one particular girl. He draws her a sweet picture of a rose and a heart, and makes a little note to go along with it... he hides it somewhere he knows she's sure to find it... and then he waits....And I can't help but wonder if God, even though he's all-powerful, all-knowing, and impossible to describe, doesn't have the same feeling that boy does."

During the trip these verses just seemed to stand out to me: "What then shall we say to these things?  If God is for us, who can be against us?  He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not with him graciously give us all things?" ~ Romans 8:31-32

How will he not?

May 27, 2012

The Keys

So I haven't known what to blog about lately... my apologies :)  So, here you go!

There are some places in life that are apart of my identity.  One of these is a lakeside resort in Minnesota, where my family has one of the coolest reunions in the United States.  Another is a place I haven't been to in a long while, and probably won't be going back to again: Terra Verde.  I always thought it was so cool that this house actually had a name, like the houses in old books (ie: Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, Winthrop, Uppercross, Pemberley, etc).  It's kind of like naming a boat- it gives it personality.  Lastly, apart of me belongs to the Keys.

This summer, my family and I are "going coastal" and driving down to Marathon to go fishing.  My grandparents have a house there and so we are able to comfortably stay for a little over a week.  We are going to sweat like crazy, get varying degrees of sunburns, be dog tired, and leave my cats with a babysitter.  Why would we risk all of this?  It's awesome.

A friend of mine is fascinated by comradeship, and you just feel so comradely in the Keys.  You want to conquer the seas and catch the Big One and risk the storms and live off the land and explore.  It's so rewarding to go to bed after a long day at sea.

It's also very beautiful.  I always love to see the fish when we snorkel at Sombrero.  We once rescued an itty bitty sea turtle from a hungry fish.  I mean, this little guy was only a few days old!  We've seen octopus, dolphins, a shark or two (unfortunately), and a manatee once.  An annual favorite of mine are the Flamingo Tongues.  I studied them in Fourth Grade for a project and then in Seventh Grade I saw one in person.  They are pretty rare, so I was super blessed to see them.

This year, I'm hoping to see a whale, or  to have dolphins play in the wake.  But a whale would be pretty AMAZING.

Sea sunsets are always beautiful!  When you are slightly cool and you smell the sea and then you see the sun, that's a good place to be in life.  This year, my daddy's going to try to get us to see the moon rise over the ocean.  Apparently there's a lot of technical difficulties with seeing the moon rise at just the right angle, but the odds are good this time!

Finally, we get to bring a cousin along with us!  My cousin has only seen the ocean once when he was very young, so everything will be a huge experience for him.  And it's always fun to show someone you love something you love.  He's going to get to walk the Seven Mile Bridge and snorkel at Sombrero Reef and eat Key Lime Pie and shop at the Walmart with the sea mural!  And I forgot!  He's going to see flying fish for the first time :)

All that to say, the Keys are a pretty awesome place  :)

April 21, 2012

A Silly Summary of Today

Today I went to my Drama teacher's house to film with a few other students.  Our teacher bought us Chinese for lunch, which brought back last year's Drama memories of eating low mein.  We got a few shots in and it was looking really good, and then the camera broke.  So while we waited for my teacher to figure out what was wrong with it, we played Zip-Zap-Zop for about 10 seconds, Who-Sir-Me-Sir for about 5 seconds, and Ninja for a minute or two.

I thought it'd be a perfect opportunity to practice my ukulele, which I had brought along, so I pulled it out.  It got passed around so everyone could try it out and then I went back to practicing.  Currently, I'm practicing how to strum, the major chords, and two songs.  One of them is "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and the other is "Brown Eyed Girl".  As of now, I can play most of the chords for the songs, but unfortunately I have no clue of the strumming pattern for them.  I got it last Sunday as a present, so I'm a brand new beginner. haha

Well the Drama camera was broken pretty bad, so the shoot was called off.  We took the others home and my brother and I drove around town with our Drama teacher taking care of a few things.  During this time, I was exposed to lots of "classic" music.  Not classical, classic, which means old school stuff which sounds pretty good when you get used to it.

We got home and I worked on my Russian.  I am going to Ukraine this summer, so I thought it'd be a good idea to catch up.  I had planned to work on some history too, but that didn't happen.  I ate two chocolates and now I need to eat dinner.  I think I'll bathe my cat next.

April 10, 2012

You Save Me

I don't know if this is some funky lovesick lonely typical girl feeling or if this is how I feel about God, but I was listening to this ong today and thought I'd post it:

Every now and then I get a little lost
My strings all get tangled, my wires all get crossed
Every now and then I'm right up on the edge
Dangling my toes out over the ledge
I just thank God you're here

'Cause when I'm a bullet shot out of a gun
'Cause when I'm a firecracker comin' undone
Or when I'm a fugitive ready to run, all wild-eyed and crazy
No matter where my reckless soul takes me
Baby you save me

It's hard lovin' a [woman] that's got a gypsy soul
I don't know how you do it, I'm not sure how you know
The perfect thing to say to save me from myself
You're the angel that believes in me like nobody else
And I thank God you do

'Cause when I'm a bullet shot out of a gun
When I'm a firecracker coming undone
When I'm a fugitive ready to run, all wild-eyed and crazy
No matter where my reckless soul takes me
Baby you save me

I know I don't tell you nearly enough
That I couldn't live one day without your love

When I'm a ship tossed around on the waves
Up on a highwire that's ready to break
When I've had just about all I can take
Baby you, baby you save me

When I'm a bullet shot out of a gun
When I'm a firecracker coming undone
When I'm a fugitive ready to run, all wild-eyed and crazy
No matter where my reckless soul takes me
Baby you save me

March 28, 2012

More Pictures :)

  this is a huge wave!

Love the green there in the corner:

It's so clear...

This is one of my all time favorites:

March 15, 2012

Another Thing About Me:

So I was going to blog about a chapter from C.S. Lewis' The Horse and His Boy, when I realized I have never blogged about my love for cats.  I will proceed in my original intent, but just so you all know:

I love cats >'.'<  
I have ever since I was... well since I can remember.  So, here's a bit on cats in The Horse and His Boy*:

"And whether he really had been dreaming or not, what was now lying at his feet, and staring him out of countenance with its big, green, unwinking eyes, was the cat; though certainly one of the largest cats he had ever seen.

'Oh, Puss,' gasped Shasta.  'I am so glad to see you again.  I've been having such horrible dreams.'  And he at once lay down again, back to back with the cat as they had been at the beginning of the night.  The warmth from it spread all over him.

'I'll never do anything nasty to a cat again as long as I live,' said Shasta, half to the cat and half to himself.  'I did once, you know.  I threw stones at a half-starved mangy old stray.  Hey! Stop that,' said Shasta.  For the cat had turned round and given him a scratch.  'None of that,' said Shasta.  'It isn't as if you could understand what I'm saying.'"

*In this scene, the cat is Aslan.  He just transformed and roared and scared off some hungry jackals that were coming to attack Shasta.  If you haven't read it before, then you should read the Narnia series :)

March 13, 2012

Constellations and the Planets and the Universe

Constellations: it even sounds pretty :)



"Now the Sun's a hot star...

And Mercury's hot too...

Venus is the brightest planet!

And Earth's home to me and you!

Mars is the red one...

And Jupiter's most wide...

Saturn's got those icy rings...

And Uranus spins on it's side...

Neptune's really windy...

And Pluto's really small"
...I think Pluto is still a planet....

This is a true picture of Pluto according to  Pluto's in the middle:


>okay, so i'm taking alot of what Louie Giglio uses in his talk "Indescribable".  You should watch it if you get the chance<